
Jonathan Kalinski

Hochman, Salkin, Toscher & Perez, P.C.
[email protected]


Jonathan Kalinski specializes in civil and criminal tax controversies and sensitive tax matters, including disclosures of previously undeclared interests in foreign financial accounts and assets. He provides tax advice to taxpayers and their advisors throughout the world.  He handles both Federal and state tax matters involving individuals, corporations, partnerships, limited liability companies, and trusts and estates.

Mr. Kalinski has considerable experience handling complex civil tax examinations, administrative appeals, and tax collection matters.  Before joining the firm, he served as a trial attorney with the IRS Office of Chief Counsel, litigating Tax Court cases and advising Revenue Agents and Revenue Officers on various complex tax matters.  Jonathan Kalinski also previously served as an Attorney-Adviser to the Honorable Juan F. Vasquez of the United States Tax Court.

About Us: HOCHMAN, SALKIN, TOSCHER & PEREZ, P.C., enjoys an unparalleled reputation for excellence and integrity in the tax community. For more than 60 years, the firm has been serving clients throughout the United States with federal and state civil tax litigation, defense of criminal tax prosecutions, all forms of tax disputes with the federal, state and local taxing authorities, white collar criminal defense, estate and business planning, and business transactions.