
Roger Nemeth

Tax Help Software
[email protected]
(404) 910-3605

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Roger is considered the foremost authority on all things involving e-services and IRS transcripts since pioneering the IRS Transcript analysis a decade ago. He launched Tax Help Software, which has downloaded over one-third of a billion transcripts. Roger is a national speaker on tax industry best practices. He also consults with some of the largest tax software companies, accounting firms, tax resolution firms, and the IRS.

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About Us: In 2010 Roger Nemeth managed a large tax franchise in Atlanta that employed 15 Enrolled Agents. Everyday he observed the large amount of time spent requesting and waiting by a fax machine on the transcripts from the IRS. These transcripts are difficult to read, therefore even more time was spent organizing the data to find the tax issues and help the client. He attempted to buy a "Transcript Analyzer" product to reduce the amount of time it took to handle these tax issues. After hours of scouring the Internet, Roger realized that one did not exist. From that point Audit Detective began and has now evolved into an extensive analysis of tax data going back to 1990. Their users have downloaded over 90,000,000 IRS transcripts and processed over 75,000 Reports. They are constantly improving the product and open to suggestions from our users.